Disaster Information
Currently, there is no information about the disaster.
List of Evacuation Sites (Updated September 2024)
Here is a list of evacuation sites in each ward of Kitakyushu City.
Be familiar with the appropriate evacuation site closest to your residence relative to the type of disaster.
Supported languages: English, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese.
Kitakyushu City Multilingual information Tools for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
Kitakyushu City Disaster Prevention Handbook for Foreigners
Earthquakes, typhoons, heavy rains and other natural disasters are a frequent occurrence in Japan. Do read this handbook and be familiar with what you need to do to prepare for disasters so as to be able to protect your life and the lives of those around you. Available in Simple Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese.

◆You can get a copy at the following locations.
・International Policy Division, Planning and Coordination Bureau, Kitakyushu City Hall
・Kitakyushu International Association
・All ward offices in the city
Disaster Shelter Point-and-Speak Phrasebook (Published October 2018)
An easy-to-use “point and communicate” handbook to help evacuees that do not understand Japanese to communicate with staff and other officials at disaster shelters when taking refuge during or after a large-scale disaster.
*In cooperation with the Suzuka International Friendship Association
◆You can get a copy of the Disaster Shelter Point-and-Speak Phrasebook at the Kitakyushu International Association.
Get the latest disaster information!
Sites and apps for disaster information are now available in multiple languages.

◆You can get a copy at Kitakyushu International Association.
What You Should Know about ”Disaster Preparedness”
A video with simple Japanese audio and subtitles in multiple languages (English/Chinese/Korean/Vietnamese) has been made, to let you know on what needs to be done to protect yourself and your family when a natural disaster (typhoon/heavy rain/earthquake etc.) occurs. Do watch when possible.
- [Multilingual Video on Day-to-day Life]“English
Others: Multilingual information Tools for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
Multilingual Tools for Disaster Mitigation
①Typhoons/Heavy Rain
This is an information pamphlet to support foreigners prepare for typhoons and heavy rains.
Please use it as a pre-disaster mitigation information so that you can be prepared in case of emergency.
(For other languages, please click here. )
Sourced by Kanagawa International Foundation HP, Multilingual Disaster Prevention Information
②How to evacuate in case of emergency
This is an information pamphlet to support foreigners when evacuate.
Please use it as a pre-disaster mitigation information so that you can be prepared in case of emergency.
(For other languages, please click here.)
Sourced by Kanagawa International Foundation HP, Multilingual Disaster Prevention Information
This is an information pamphlet to support foreigners prepare for earthquakes.
Please use it as a pre-disaster mitigation information so that you can be prepared in case of emergency.
(For other languages, please click here.)
Sourced by Kanagawa International Foundation HP, Multilingual Disaster Prevention Information
④“Disaster Preparedness Booklet”: Disaster Prevention Leaflet for Foreign Residents
It is a compact leaflet for foreign residents on how to use the Disaster Message Dial 171 and how to spend time in an evacuation shelter. The leaflet is useful for actual disasters, with plenty of space to write down information and contact information necessary for evacuation, such as “medications for chronic illnesses” and “passport numbers”.
(For other languages and how to use the leaflet, please click here.)
Sourced by Kanagawa International Foundation HP, Multilingual Disaster Prevention Information
Multilingual Information Tools for use in Evacuation Shelters
⑤Multilingual Point-and-Speak Board
It is a tool that allows evacuation center operators and disaster-affected foreigners to communicate with each other at evacuation centers throughout Japan by pointing at each other.
The board is available in 14 languages, including plain Japanese.
Multilingual Point-and-Speak Board
Created by Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR)
⑥Evacuee Registration Card・Pictorial statement of foodstuff (FOODPICT)
Multilingual Evacuee Registration Cards are available in the following 14 languages and 16 types.
Please print them out in advance and use them at the reception desk of the evacuation center at the time of a disaster.
Evacuee Registration Card・Pictorial statement of foodstuff (FOODPICT)
Created by Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR)
⑦Search in Multilingual Display Sheet for Disasters
You can create a multilingual display vocabulary sheet for disasters. Category and free-word searches are available.
Disaster Warning Level
As a result of a revision of the Evacuation Information Guidelines in May 2021, evacuation levels and evacuation information have also been updated.
Be sure to evacuate when an “Evacuation Instruction” is issued. The previously used “Evacuation Recommendations” will no longer be used.
※Source: Cabinet Office, Government of Japan https://www.bousai.go.jp/oukyu/hinanjouhou/r3_hinanjouhou_guideline/
What is J-ALERT?
There are times when news about J-ALERT is broadcast on TV.
J-ALERT is the system which provides the emergency
information regarding earthquakes, Tsunami, or Armed-conflicts from the
government immediately via manmade satellites and etc.
Please take a look at the Portal Sites below for more
Cabinet Secretariat Civil Protection Portal Site: Actions
in case of missiles flying to Japan ↓
Cabinet Secretariat Civil Protection Portal Site:
Multilingual ↓
Multilingual Disaster Support Center
Through the collaboration agreement of 20 June 2018 between Kitakyushu City and the Kitakyushu International Association, the Kitakyushu Multilingual Disaster Support Center will be established to assist foreign residents in times of large-scale disasters and calamities (earthquake, typhoon, flood etc.).

Role of the Multilingual Disaster Support Center
- Translating and disseminating important information in the event of a natural disaster
- Responding to enquires from foreigners and providing consultation (disaster related)
- Dispatching interpreters to evacuation sites/shelters etc.
Outline of the Kitakyushu Multilingual Disaster Support Center
The operation will be conducted based on “Agreement regarding support for foreign residents in times of a large-scale disasters” (Concluded on 20th of June, 2018) signed by City of Kitakyushu and Kitakyushu International Association.
Management and Operation: City of Kitakyushu, Kitakyushu International Association
Location: Kitakyushu International Association – COM CITY 3F, 3-15-3 Kurosaki, Yahatanishi-ku, Kitakyushu City
Kitakyushu International Association
COM CITY 3F, 3-15-3 Kurosaki, Yahatanishi-ku, Kitakyushu City, Japan 806-0021
Operating Hours: 9am – 5.30pm
Closed: Sunday, national holidays, year end and new year holidays (December 29 – January 3)
TEL : 093-643-5931
FAX : 093-643-6466